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How are biological, cultural, genetic, and linguistic diversity categorised and conserved, and what can one field learn from another?

Diversity is a term that, since its emergence, has become the currency of natural and cultural heritage protection. There is a perception of a future in crisis due to the threat of biological, cultural, linguistic and genetic homogeneity. Organisations tasked with preventing this potential crisis are charged with determining and selecting forms of diversity in order to project them into an uncertain future, and in doing so, they each create their own, distinctive futures. This theme explored ethnographically a range of domains concerned with practices of categorisation, preservation and management of different forms of diversity in comparative perspective. While the potential for innovation in knowledge transfer across some of these fields has recently been acknowledged, such thinking has not been widely pursued. We explored the range of practices undertaken across various different heritage domains which share an aim in the maintenance of ecological, cultural, linguistic and biological diversity, and the values associated with these practices. In doing so, we have aimed to articulate the potential for innovative forms of knowledge exchange and the development of shared work practices between them, as well as the ways in which their boundaries might be challenged, reconfigured or removed.



Heritage Futures at the 2018 Association of Critical Heritage Studies Conference


Members of the Heritage Futures research team will be convening and presenting at seven sessions at the Association for Critical Heritage Studies 2018 conference at Zheijang University in Hangzhou, China from 1st-6th September.


If you’re heading there, come check out (at least) one of our sessions. Or follow our twitter @Future_Heritage and website for updates resulting from these sessions.





Afterlives Salon


This salon to accompany the current Octagon exhibition Cabinets of Consequence will explore how heritage and other related forms of conservation practices (including nuclear waste management) make futures.  How do we use material culture to stitch futures from pasts? What do we conserve? What do we get rid of? What do we allow to change? This Salon will be staged as a series of conversations across various themes currently being explored within the Heritage Futures research programme,Event held at Haldane Room, Wilkins Building , Gower Street WC1

Rodney Harrison
Cornelius Holtorf
Caitlin DeSilvey
Sefryn Penrose
Sarah May
Jennie Morgan
Nadia Bartolini
Antony Lyons
Kyle Lee Crossett


Nuclear Waste Management
Deep Space Messaging
World Heritage Site Management
Natural Heritage Management
Built Heritage Management
Cultural Diversity