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How do museums and people in their homes decide what to keep in the face of mass production and consumption?

The Profusion theme addressed the challenge presented by the abundance of material and digital stuff for assembling the future archive. Expanding mass-production and consumption have resulted in more things to potentially save for the future. We have looked at what is and what is not kept for posterity. We do so by investigating two domains in the United Kingdom that face the prolific past and present in particularly acute ways: homes and museums. Taking an anthropological approach using ethnographic methods, we investigated what is selected for long-term keeping and why. What are the complex yet often unacknowledged motivations, emotions, and judgements that shape what makes it into the future? Our research addressed these questions, while facilitating crossover of insights between homes and museums to hopefully produce new understandings of and responses to profusion.



Heritage Futures at the 2018 Association of Critical Heritage Studies Conference


Members of the Heritage Futures research team will be convening and presenting at seven sessions at the Association for Critical Heritage Studies 2018 conference at Zheijang University in Hangzhou, China from 1st-6th September.


If you’re heading there, come check out (at least) one of our sessions. Or follow our twitter @Future_Heritage and website for updates resulting from these sessions.





The Human Bower


Encounters Arts and Heritage Futures invite you to take part in the making of The Human Bower

Saturday 19th and Sunday 20th May, Torre Abbey Gardens 10am-4pm

A creative event asking: What would you keep for the future? 

The Human Bower

Jennie Morgan